
Be Ready or be Gone - Insights for the Fast approaching Future of Retail

Brett Beveridge, Founder & President, The Retail Outsource Companies

Offsetting the Amazon Effect with SaaS Technology

Jett McCandless, CEO and Founder, project44

The Boundaries have Vanished

Michael Adams, VP of IT, MarineMax

The Boundaries have Vanished

A new world order has slowly evolved, leaving many corporate technology teams unprepared to adapt to the critical new responsibilities they manage.

The Evolution of Technology for E-commerce

Robert Killory, Chief Innovation Officer, 3CLogic

The Evolution of Technology for E-commerce

Data from every channel should be aggregated and organized in order to garner key business intelligence across channels and specific to each channel.

Leveraging Challenges to further Build a Solid Foundation: Org Culture and Tech

Rosemary Smith, Director, Supply Chain Development, LEGO Group

The sudden, unexpected shift to eCommerce put retailer technology and solution development in the spotlight

3 Ways Retailers Can Participate in the Sharing Economy

Nizzi Renaud, CMO, Zazzle

3 Ways Retailers Can Participate in the Sharing Economy

The sharing economy can provide inspiration for any fast-growing retail player.

Customer Experience on Digital Platforms

Hui Wu-Curtis, Sr. Director, Customer Care Strategy-Global, Choice Hotels International

Customer Experience on Digital Platforms

The role of contact centers are often diminished due to the volume of interaction it handles in comparison to websites.

How will the Internet of Things (IoT) Truly Transform the Retail Industry

Rohan Penman, Global Head of Technology, T2 Tea

How will the Internet of Things (IoT) Truly Transform the Retail Industry

Often solutions are not customer facing, but should aim to provide a seamless experience to ultimately benefit both the efficiency of the business and ultimately the customer.

Considerations for Casinos and Gaming Operations

Matthew Klyman, Chief Information Officer, Marshall Retail Group

Considerations for Casinos and Gaming Operations

We don't want retail to be a cold and sterile environment and we love the fact that we have a four wall environment that we get to talk to our customers.

Digitizing the Retail Customer Experience and What it Means for Multichannel Retailers Today

Bob Hetu, Research Director, Gartner [NYSE:IT]

Digitizing the Retail Customer Experience and What it Means for Multichannel Retailers Today

The powerful combination of digital and physical is where a multichannel retailer can exert itself.

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Matan Holander, VP Business Development

Mobisoft: Streamlining B2B E-Commerce at Fingertips

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce has evolved at multiple levels. Evidently, understanding the unique purchasing preferences of the modern day buyers have become increasingly critical to the long-term growth of B2B merchants.

Transformative Retail Banking

Sangy Vatsa, EVP & CIO, Comerica Bank [NYSE: CMA]

Transformative Retail Banking

Our Bank is known for raising customer expectations by offering customer-rich products and services. Fast maturing and adoption of digital technologies in everyday use is further elevating those expectations for our customers and our colleagues.

George P Johnson: Creating Undying Consumer Experience

Scott Kellner, VP, Marketing, George P. Johnson Experience Marketing

When I came to marketing automation world, few companies provided marketing automation software platform.

How Traditional Retailers are Evolving For the Digital Era

Gareth Bridges, Director, Digital Business, Equinix Asia-Pacific

How Traditional Retailers are Evolving For the Digital Era

Today’s retailers need to embrace a modernized strategy supported by infrastructure designed for the digital edge.

AI and it's Place in E-Commerce

Anna Cole, Director of E-Commerce Operations, User Experience and Merchandising, Carhartt

AI and it's Place in E-Commerce

It was hard to believe that a machine could out-think a genius like Kasparov.

Digital Strategy around Technology and Customer Experience

Hui Wu-Curtis, Sr. Director, Customer Care Strategy-Global, Choice Hotels International

Digital Strategy around Technology and Customer Experience

In today’s environment, the contact center is viewed as one of many channels for customers to reach organizations.

How to Operationalize Digital Transformation Strategy?

Andrea Marks, VP of Digital Transformation at Walmart

How to Operationalize Digital Transformation Strategy?

Andrea Marks joined Walmart in 2021 as Vice President of Digital Transformation. In this role, Andrea leads clinical data and analytics, interoperable care delivery technologies, and health consumer digital experience.

How Becoming Truly Omni- Channel Supports the Customer

Joe Megibow, CEO, Purple

How Becoming Truly Omni- Channel Supports the Customer

Cloud is similar to a data center. However, not many understand what it actually consists of.